DEX Data Explorers launches DEX RS for Financial services compensation scheme (FSCS)
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The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) is a UK government-backed scheme that provides compensation to consumers if a financial services firm is unable to meet its obligations In this respect the FSCS can be regarded as a safety net for consumers when dealing with financial services. It was established in 2001. The FSCS can compensate consumers in the event that a bank, building society, credit union, investment firm, or insurance company is unable or likely to be unable to pay. In order to support the FSCS processes DEX Data Explorers offers DEX Regulatory Suite for FSCS. DEX RS generates regulatory reports using the FCA specifications. Read more about this solution in the white paper.
Download or read the white paper here:
DEX Data Explorers lanceert DEX RS voor FSCS
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